Annual Fund

The Alpha Epsilon of Chi Psi Annual Fund is an ongoing fundraising effort designed to maintain a healthy culture of alumni giving. This not only benefits our social connections as an Alumni Brotherhood but also perpetuates our fraternity for future generations of Chi Psis at the University of Michigan. When you make a contribution to the Annual Fund, your name is added to the “Honor Roll of Donors” for the current giving year as soon as your donation is processed. Our giving year begins September 1 and ends August 31.

Give Online

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Send a Check

Checks should be made payable to either The Epsilon Educational Endowment or The Epsilon Trustee Corporation and mailed to our donation processing center listed below. If you would like to give to both funds, you MUST write two separate checks.

Alpha Epsilon of Chi Psi
Alumni Relations Processing Center
P.O. Box 7007
Albert Lea, MN 56007-8007