Lodge to Officially Become Home to Epsilon Once More in Fall ’22
Our Alpha Epsilon Re-Founding Class is preparing for a big semester in Fall 2022 when we have every confidence that the Alpha will be officially restored at the Lodge. With roughly one Brother living in each room and no outside renters, the Lodge will become Chi Psi’s home at Michigan once more.
To lay the groundwork for this advancement, the Re-Founding Class has focused heavily on recruitment this semester and was rewarded with 6 new men accepting bids in January. The group will end the school year with 20 men.
Beyond recruitment, the attention now shifts towards preparing to petition for Alpha status at the 181st Convention this July at Texas Tech University. While much of the criteria is complete, things such as philanthropy, community service, positional responsibilities, and internal structure projects are all underway. Recently, the 13 original Re-Founders who joined prior to the semester all successfully completed our New Member Education Program, and 9 men were able to attend the Chi Psi Midwest Regional Rowe Conference. Weekly events such as our Re-Founding Class Meeting, Brotherhood movie nights, and formal dinners with alumni guests are all enthusiastically attended, and the future is most certainly bright once again.
We hope to continue this momentum over the last few weeks of the semester and appreciate all the support and encouragement that Epsilon alumni have provided – from casual conversations and sharing past experiences, to contributing incredibly generous scholarships through the Educational Endowment, the Re-Founding Class would truly not be where we are without your help. The men are extremely motivated to prove that Epsilon is fully back and standing strong in the values that Chi Psi is built upon. It is a pleasure and honor to work with these outstanding young men.
Aidin Montefisher PΔ’20
Chi Psi Extension Specialist – Epsilon Re-Founding Class