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Date(s) - 24 Sep - 25 Sep
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Chi Psi Lodge

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2021 Homecoming & Annual Banquet

Return to “Ann Arbor Town” this fall for Homecoming and our annual Chi Psi Banquet at the Lodge!

All alumni Brothers and their guests are welcome. Make sure you register to attend. We look forward to seeing you all back on campus.


Reconnect with alumni Brothers at the Alpha Epsilon Lodge at 5:30 PM on Friday, September 24 for cocktails, dinner, and class reunions hosted by the Epsilon Trustee Corporation. Also, get a chance to meet and greet the 8 gentlemen who make up the Alpha Epsilon “Re-Founding Class.”


On Saturday, September 25, we will be attending the U-M Homecoming game at Michigan Stadium. Kickoff is at 3:30 PM. Stay tuned for more information regarding another alumni event before the game.


Lodging is available at the Holiday Inn and Suites on Boardwalk south of the campus. Call 734-213-1900 and ask for the Chi Psi Group to get the group rate.