Enrico Braucher
Junior – Ironwood, MI
Mechanical Engineering
Interests: music, art, outdoors, hiking, automobiles, 3D design
“As someone who had very little exposure to Greek Life, I used to have some preconceived notions about how fraternities conduct themselves and what values they hold. It wasn’t until I was approached by Chi Psi that I started to re-evaluate those notions. I realized that there are always exceptions that profoundly reveal the difference between what is considered the standard and what we should all strive to be. I believe that our Chi Psi Brotherhood is one of those exceptions.”

Edwin Chen
Freshman – San Jose, CA
Involvement/Interests: Outreach Chair, movies, gaming, cars, medicine, sneakers
“I joined Chi Psi because my Brothers respect my individuality. During recruitment, I realized how different Alpha Epsilon is from the typical Greek organization at Michigan. The Brothers seemed genuinely interested in both my personal and professional development, unlike many of the other fraternities on campus.”

Varan Daga
Junior – Cleveland, Ohio
Interests: basketball, video games, and poker
“I like Chi Psi because, from Day 1, I was able to completely immerse myself in the Brotherhood. The Brothers in Chi Psi are much different from any other fraternity. I also appreciate that the national organization is very connected to Epsilon through different events.”

Timothy Devine
Freshman – Chicago, IL
Pre-Med (Biology focus)
Interests: baseball, golf, chess, kayaking, fishing
“Upon arriving at Michigan, I explored Greek Life and didn’t experience the same enthusiasm that many other students felt. However, after meeting the Re-Founders of Alpha Epsilon, I realized that I wanted to be part of the Chi Psi Brotherhood. Chi Psi promotes the values of hard work and leadership while providing a tight camaraderie. I hope that the group grows during my time at Michigan, provides me with skills that set me up for success, and helps me make memories that will last a lifetime.”

Suyash Dixit
Junior – Portage, MI
Mechanical Engineering
Involvement/Interests: Colony #1, M-Fly SAE, aviation, tennis, viola, chess, college football
“This fraternity is truly all about bringing out the best in individuals by encouraging academic excellence while instilling a set of values that morph its members into gentlemen of class and virtue. I am excited to play a part in finally restoring Alpha Epsilon to what it once was.”

Blake Duddles
Junior – Suttons Bay, MI
Involvement/Interests: Colony #4, President of Secular Student Association, stocks, chess, 3D printing
“I joined Chi Psi because I saw an opportunity to be a part of a fraternity whose core values are important and upheld – to forge lifelong bonds and be a part of something greater than myself.”

Matthew Fischer
Sophomore – Millburn, NJ
Involvement/Interests: wrestling, space, photography, comic books
“I never really thought I would join a fraternity, but from the first event I attended with Chi Psi, I knew that the Brotherhood was made up of the type of people that I wanted to surround myself with. Our Re-Founding Class is a group of men from diverse backgrounds who have different perspectives, but still share the same set of values.”

Noah Hilbig
Sophomore – Nogales, AZ
Mechanical Engineering
Involvement/Interests: OAMI, CCRB MSA, sports, health and fitness
“When I arrived at UMich, I never thought I’d join a fraternity. When I met all the men at Epsilon, however, I could see that they were different from other examples of Greek Life. The values of Chi Psi were clearly displayed by the group of guys that I met. I knew I wanted to be a part of it.”

Derek Johnson
Junior – Birmingham, MI
Mechanical Engineering
Involvement Interests: automotive design, mental health, running, music
“I joined Chi Psi to use the power of Brotherhood to empower my fellow Epsilonians AND the community surrounding us. A large group of like-minded gentlemen can make a significant positive impact and I am excited to see if we can set the new standard for the Michigan Greek community.”

Samuel Lanni
Freshman – Pleasant Ridge, MI.
Interests: hunting, fishing, football, country music
“I joined Chi Psi because I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself – a Brotherhood that stretches back for generations. The father of one of my best friends in high school brought me along to a couple of events and introduced me to some alumni, and I knew almost instantly this was the fraternity for me. I know this group of men will go on to be some of my closest friends, and I look forward to making memories with them over these next couple of years!”

Ethan Larson
Freshman – Chicago, IL
Interests/Activities: University of Michigan Rowing Team, sports
“I like Chi Psi because we provide an alternative to the socially-focused atmosphere that you would find elsewhere on campus. Chi Psi prioritizes the Brotherhood and allows the men the space they need to succeed in the classroom and in other aspects of life, while still facilitating personal connections.”

Evan May
Sophomore – Grand Rapids, MI
Involvement/Interests: Club Volleyball team, Chair of Social Media, Chair of Intramural Sports, basketball, piano, stocks
“I love how there is such an emphasis on Brotherhood, pursuing excellence, and being a gentleman. All of the guys are great and we are each diverse in our own ways. Chi Psi helps push me to be a better man in all aspects of life.”

Logan Paterson
Sophomore – Marysville, MI
Involvement/Interests: Community Service Chair – Shipman Scholarship Society, Member – Students for Democracy, fishing, country music, gaming
“From the moment I set foot in the Lodge, I knew that joining Chi Psi would mean surrounding myself with some of the best and brightest men on campus. I immediately felt welcome and recognized that Chi Psi is truly different from other fraternities.”

Thejas Rengaswamy
Sophomore – Troy, MI
Business Administration
Involvement/Interests: Colony #3, Real Estate, Theta Capital, Michigan Sahana Violinist
“I initially didn’t want to join Greek Life at all, but Chi Psi changed that. Every meeting led to a more positive and constructive view of what a fraternity could be. I appreciate Chi Psi’s emphasis on values and its ‘actual’ commitment to creating a fraternal organization with gentlemen.”

Mukesh Sivakumaran
Sophomore – Ann Arbor, MI
Pre-Med (Neuroscience focus)
Involvement/Interests: IASA, cars, biking, piano
“I joined Chi Psi because I wanted to form new bonds and long-term relationships with my fellow college students both within the University and beyond. I am excited to be a part of Chi Psi because of the opportunities it provides to connect with the community. I also hope to gain leadership skills.”

Aidan Szuch
Freshman – St. Charles, IL
Computer Science
Involvement/Interests: Philanthropy Board, J-Board, Michigan Triathlon Club – Apparel Chair, Michigan Mars Rover Project Team – Teleoperations Software Subteam, piano, guitar
“From my very first exposure to the Greek system, I recognized there were some elements that closely aligned with my values and others that did not. What makes Chi Psi so special is that its goals and values – building lifelong and intergenerational Brotherhood, developing young gentlemen, and welcoming anyone who is constantly driven to improve their character – epitomize my own without compromise.”

Saketh Thota
Junior – Portage, MI
Computer Science
Interest: traveling, hiking, running, coding, soccer
“I found that Chi Psi’s focus on Brotherhood, its history at UM, and this opportunity to help it grow into a meaningful experience for both current and future members of this Alpha was something I wanted to be a part of. I’m looking forward to seeing what our Re-Founding Class can accomplish and how we can make an impact on Greek Life here at UMich.”

Alexander Tuckey
Sophomore – Marysville, MI
Interests: skateboarding, video games, poker
“When I walked through the front door of the Lodge, I could immediately tell Chi Psi was different from any other fraternity. The men I met inside showed me what the purpose of a fraternity should be—to create a lifelong Brotherhood of gentlemen.”

Aditya Vinukonda
Junior – Ann Arbor, MI
Computer Science
Interests: basketball, football, tennis, taekwondo, database research
“After an extended period of isolation when meeting peers and making friends with similar interests and values as me was extremely difficult, I am very grateful for the opportunities I’ve had because of UofM’s Alpha of Chi Psi. The sense of camaraderie and desire to enforce upstanding principles is a cornerstone of the effort to build upon Chi Psi’s distinguished history at the University. I’m looking forward to extending these opportunities to our peers and growing our network of students.”

James Wishart
Junior – Ann Arbor, MI
Computer Engineering
Involvement/Interests: Colony #2, Eagle Scout, MRADS Peer Mentor, crew
“At first, I didn’t really feel like Greek Life was for me. The way Chi Psi was introduced to me – with strong values even during the recruitment process – convinced me that this could be different. I’m excited to grow our Re-Founding Class from this core group and find some more gentlemen on campus, and develop the Brotherhood with everyone already involved.”